All over the world there exist myths about a universal flood and traditions about the existence of a antediluvian civilization called Atlantis or Mu. Science deny any validity to such traditions or at least it greatly reduces their significance, bringing them to more manageable spatial and temporal dimensions from an archaeological point of view (Santorini etc.). Geology and archaeology, in fact, do not allow any space on Earth for an advanced civilization the size and the ancientness of Atlantis, as described by Plato.
This claim does not take into account the climatic situation on Earth during the concerned period. According to the theory exposed by the author in a previous section, the climatic situation during the Pleistocene era was due to the fact that the North Pole was located between Greenland and Canada, at the edge of the great Winsconsin’s ice cap. As a consequence, the South Pole was placed near the current magnetic pole, on the cost of Antarctica facing Australia. The coast of Antarctica facing the Atlantic, therefore, was placed at a much lower latitude and was completely free of ice, as it is witnessed by conclusive geological evidence.
While the palaeolithic cultures were thriving all over the remaining parts of the world, in that part of Antarctica the first human agricultural civilization was developing in complete isolation, thanks to populations driven there by ocean’s currents from South-east Asia and South America.
At the end of Pleistocene, an asteroid or comet impact triggered a shift of the poles, according to the mechanism explained in my previous work, thus provoking that world-wide catastrophe remembered by traditions as the "universal flood", during which Atlantis sunk (temporarily) in the ocean. Soon after, the glaciation covered the Atlantic coasts of Antarctica as well, thus deleting any archaeological evidence.
Several vessels survived the catastrophe, bringing their inhabitants safely on the coasts of America, Africa and Asia. Here they started, in complete autonomy and isolation with respect to each other, all Neolithic cultures and later civilizations. The numerous striking similarities between ancient civilizations all over the world, were due to the common culture of the survivors of the flood. An impressive amount of evidence of different kind can be produce to support this theory.
The chronological gap of 4 millennia between the end of Atlantis and the archaeological findings of the most ancient known civilizations (such as Moenjo Daro, Ur and so on), is only apparent: due to the thawing of northern hemisphere’s ice caps, the sea level has constantly raised during the first 4 millennia after the end of Pleistocene, for a total amount of 130 meters, thus submerging any remnants of populations established along the coasts. This is confirmed by the existence of submerged structures all over the world, like the great pyramid off Yonaguny Island (Japan), the remnants of a town off the Cadiz’ coast and so on.
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